About me

What makes me a professional photographer you can trust ?

Am I more talented than your 8-year-old nephew ?
Maybe. Maybe not.
Obviously it depends on your nephew’s talent !
Do I have millions of followers on social networks ?
Not even close…
Flat rates then ?
Nope, there is always someone who will do it cheaper.

So the answer is : I deliver.
Just like any real pro.
No ego involved, no bull****, no drama.
Only knowledge, experience, craftsmanship.

That being said, welcome to my website !

On a more personal side, my interest in photography comes from ages.
When I was a kid my parents gave me a toyish camera.
You know, that horrible red plasticky Fisher Price thing.
It was often out of film but that’s where it all began. Old days.

I grew up fascinated with my parents’ old Yashica SLR.
And a few years later I asked for a « real » camera.
Why ? No idea. Teenage whim.

Then again, years later, after more conventional studies,
I finally went to the Haute Ecole Libre de Bruxelles Ilya Prigogine –
Section technique – Finalité Photographie. Formerly known as Inraci.
Surprisingly enough most people still call it Inraci…

Another temporal ellipsis and here we are.
I’m a photographer and video producer.
And we’re about to work together !










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